4 Fun Training Potties

4 Fun Training Potties

Potty training is tough enough without leaving an eyesore of a potty hanging around the bathroom.

I'll be honest, most of the potties around are bordering on tacky. The very nature of their purpose means they need to be wipeclean, appealing to children and sturdy. So they're usually, plastic, bright and fairly space consuming.

However, after some extensive surfing, I managed to find some cute potties that will appeal to you and your toddler.

First up, is this Pink Princess Stepstool Potty from Mothercare (£24.99). This potty plays a variety of tunes to reward your child for their potty training progress. It then doubles as a step up seat for when your child is ready to use the toilet.

Keep reading for more potties to go potty over.

Smart Rewards Potty, Toys 'R' Us, £24.99.
