Spring Clean With A Car Boot Sale

Spring Clean With A Car Boot Sale

I've been putting off a good spring clean for a while now, partly because the drizzly weather has prevented me from sorting through my winter wardrobe and playing the annual game of "to chuck or not to chuck".

If, like me, you manage to accumulate lots of bits and pieces (or junk, as some people call it) that you no longer use, it might be time to embrace the humble car boot sale.

Here's a few hints and tips on how to get all of the family organised and involved in this Sunday activity.


  • First of all, set some ground rules. If you haven't used/worn something in the last year, confine it to the car boot pile. If you haven't used it in the past year, why would you in the next 12 months?
  • Consider putting some things, like good quality toys and puzzles, aside for the charity shop. Bear in mind though that charity shops won't take anything electrical.
  • Encourage the children to sort through their own clothes and playthings, and explain that any money they get will be for them to keep.


  • See if you can locate a clothes rail, as clothes are more likely to sell if they're displayed clearly
  • Label all the boxes so people can see at a glance what's in them. Don't throw everything in one box.
  • Price everything and offer a few buy-one-get-one-free offers. Have a look around before pricing though, as you're unlikely to sell books at £5 a pop if everyone else is selling them for £1.

Finishing up

  • If you haven't sold it, you need to decide whether it's easier to knock down your prices and sell it off cheap, or simply give whatever is left to your local charity shop.
  • Return home, ready to fill your shelves/drawers/cupboards with brand new clutter!