My Baby's First Christmas

My Baby's First Christmas

I know my baby won't really understand about Christmas this year, but I'm still ridiculously excited. I've been waiting for it to be December for ages now.

And although she'll only be 11 months old, I know she'll appreciate lots of Christmassy things.

That's what I'm telling myself, anyway, as I try to relive my childhood.

So here are some festive activities I'll be attempting with my daughter over the next month:

1. Take her to a carol concert. The public school near us does a proper carol concert in its chapel - but it's on too late for the baby. However, you'll find that most churches do Christingle services or similar for schools, during the day. I'll be trying to gatecrash one of those. My daughter loves singing, and we'll sit near the back for a quick escape if she gets lairy.

2. Take her to see some Christmas lights. What small child doesn't love lots and lots of sparkly Christmas lights? Mine, possibly. But I think she'll like it.

3. Go to a garden centre. Sounds weird I know but many of them are decked out beautifully at this time of year and I know of one locally that has a Santa's grotto. Although we'll probably be giving Santa a miss this year – she doesn't deal well with strange men...

4. Put up a Christmas tree. A really small one on the mantelpiece, so she can't reach it and knock it over... or eat it!

5. Buy her some small presents. Things that can be hidden away and brought out week by week after Christmas has long gone. She'll get overwhelmed if we give her everything at once.

Last month Joanne Mallon wisely advised us that babies don't know about Christmas. She's absolutely right. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, she said. I'm trying not to... but I can't help myself!

Has anyone else got any suggestions for Christmas activities for tiny tots?
