Obesity Risk For Toddlers Having Night Time Bottles

Obesity Risk For Toddlers Having Night Time Bottles

ans Wiedl/DPA/Press Association Images

If you put your toddler to bed with a bottle of milk, you are risking making them obese in later life, so claims a new report.

The reason? Well, children of two and over who are used to drinking calorie laden milk will reportedly go on to eat lots of fattening food.

The claims are based on studies of 6,750 American children born in 2001, in an attempt to analyse the correlation between prolonged use of a baby bottle and obesity in childhood.

As many as 22 per cent of youngsters examined were found to go to bed with milk, or had a bottle on the go as their 'primary drink container'. Of this 22 per cent, 23 per cent were obese by the time they were 5.5 years old.

The report suggests parents should wean youngsters off their bedtime bottle by the time they are one.
What do you think about this? Just another obesity scare story? Or do you agree? Should babies be off their bedtime bottles by toddlerhood?