P Diddy Launches A Book About Bums (VIDEO)

P Diddy Launches A Book About Bums

If anyone was going to launch a book about backsides, it would be P Diddy, wouldn't it?

He's spent enough years hiring women to shake them in his music videos - "fine" ones as the urban music maestro would have it - and even dated Jennifer Lopez, a woman with a highly-celebrated rear.

Now he's teamed up with photographer Raphael Mazzucco to release a coffee table book dedicated to the female posterior.

We're not sure if the rapper has added personal captions under each photographed backside, or if this is a more tasteful, elliptical piece of art, with the reader left to interpret the work as he will.

Whichever the case, as Diddy's mate and hip-hop pioneer Russell Simmons said at the launch, "It must have been fun to shoot it."


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