School Discipline To Be Improved With Behaviour And Punishment List

School Discipline To Be Improved With Behaviour And Punishment List


In a bid to crack down on unruly behaviour and poor discipline in classrooms, schools have been given a check list of tough new stances to take on badly behaved kids.

The Government's school discipline tsar Charlie Taylor has come up with the list, which is similar to one he implemented as the head teacher of a special school for disruptive children.

Under the new guidelines, teaching staff will be urged to make it clear to pupils what punishments they can expect to receive if they misbehave.

One of the suggestions is to have playground patrols where staff prowl the playgrounds at break times to reinforce the message to kids that poor discipline will not be tolerated.

The guidelines also say that pupils should be monitored outside the school gates at arrival and home time.

Charlie Taylor said: "Without good behaviour teachers can't teach and pupils can't learn."

It will not be compulsory for schools to have a behaviour and punishment list, but rowdy schools will be warned they will face sanctions which could include closure.

What do you think?

Is a 'list' enough?

What would you do to improve standards of behaviour in schools?
