Harper Seven Beckham Goes Shopping With Mum Victoria

Harper Seven Beckham Goes Shopping With Mum Victoria


Harper Seven Beckham hosiery alert: Posh's mini-me has been spotted without her brown socks or tights. Instead, the gorgeous baby - who was on a mummy-and-me day shopping in Manhattan - was resplendent in navy tights!

Of course there was not a stroller or pram in sight, and little Harper was in her usual position on Victoria's right hip (although hang on, does Posh actually HAVE hips?) as the pair enjoyed a trawl around various shops - including the FAO Schwarz toy-store where they attended a story-time session with some other families - and then dinner at Nobu.


And of those tights - of course they were not just any old winter leg warmers but seemingly by designer brand Chloe... unless of course there had been a kerfuffle in the nappy change room at FAO Schwarz and Vicks had put another baby's (name-labelled) tights on Harper...

(And, the question HAS to be asked - why does Posh never have a BAG any more? Where is all her stuff? Is there a flunky always in hot pursuit laden down with fresh nappies, wipes and lip-gloss?)

What do you think of Posh and Harper's 'shopping' outfits?
