Hamleys Remove 'Sexist' Girl And Boy Signs

Hamleys Remove 'Sexist' Girl And Boy Signs


Famous London toy shop Hamleys has removed signs which categorise toys by gender.

The store has removed the pink and blue signs which pointed customers in the direction of toys for boys and toys for girls.

Instead, the shop now organises toys by category, with red and white signs guiding children and parents around the store.

The move comes after Hamleys was criticised for being 'sexist' by segregating toys for boys and girls, and for using pink and blue colours on the signs for each gender.

Before the recent sign change, the 'boys' arrow directed shoppers to the fifth floor to buy action and war toys, while the pretty pink 'girls' signs pointed to the third floor, which was packed with dolls and arts and crafts.

Political blogger, Laura Nelson had campaigned to get Hamleys to change the signs, and although the store claims the changes are not due to the 'sexist' complaints, she is claiming victory against pink for girls and blue for boys, saying:

"When I visited Hamleys I was shocked by signs which separated the girls section from the boys, indicating that they should have different toys.

"It is a surprising coincidence that these changes happened immediately after I sent a letter to their Chief Executive and the Icelandic Bank that owns shares in Hamleys.

"Hamleys have responded by saying they were planning to change the signs anyway. But such a radical, sudden change so near to Christmas is unlikely to be due to anything other than campaign pressure.

"The pressure will now continue to make sure they don't go back on their decision, and allow children regardless of gender to enjoy toys depending on their interests."

A spokesperson for Hamleys claimed the changes were down to improving 'customer flow' and not complaints:

"While we welcome comments from all customers and interested parties on improving Hamleys, in this case we regret that the changes to our signage were not due to any campaign.

"We are in the process of detailed planning for a complete refit of our store on Regent Street. As part of this planning, it was made clear to us from consultants and customer surveys that our store directional signage was confusing. As a result we commenced changing all our signage in October of this year in order to improve customer flow."

Do you welcome these changes at Hamleys?

What do you think about pink for girls and blue for boys?
