Cybercrime: UK Government Must Do More To Protect Public From Malware

'Knowledge Best Defence Against Fear': Government Urged To Tackle Cybercrime

The government must do more to help the UK public dodge malware and stay safe online, say MPs on the Science and Technology Select Committee in a new report.

Andrew Miller MP, Chair of the Commons Science and Technology Committee, said:

“Government departments need to realise that better public information about computer safety could save huge numbers of people the hassle of having their personal details stolen.”

“Knowledge is the best defence against fear, so the Government should focus on raising awareness of how to stay safe online—rather than scaring people about the dangers of cyber crime.”

The Committee has called on the government to launch an awareness campaign to reinforce just how online dangers can affect every web user.

The report points out that eighty per cent of protection against cyber-attack is “routine IT hygiene”, or keeping virus and malware protection software up to date.

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at security firm Sophos said that while the report raises important points, the origins of the data must be called into question.

“Much of the data used by the report is supplied by security vendors, who - one can argue - could have a vested interest in hyping up the internet threat. To avoid such accusations, proper systems *must* be put in place to make it easy for citizens to report internet crimes and malware attacks.

If we have no independent way of measuring the threat, we have no way of telling if we are winning the fight, or need to put more resources into battling it.”

The committee believes a TV ad campaign, advice supplied with every web-enabled device and a link to malware information on all Government websites would help.

The MPs did not call for a legal solution to the issue, suggesting a self-regulated solution within the software and internet industry would work.

They did not suggest increasing the onus on the individual web user to educate themselves around malware issues.

Graham Cluley, added: “A key challenge, is that GetSafeOnline and other resources like it, tend to be known about only by those already involved in or aware of IT security, rather than the average person in the street.

The only way to change this is by a properly funded broad awareness campaign.”

“In addition, we would hope that more resources be put in place to support the international fight against cybercrime. A computer crime committed in Solihull could be perpetrated by a hacker based in St Petersburg. Investigating crimes with an often international element is inevitably costly and complicated - but as this is the nature of the criminal behaviour, it must be addressed.”

“Greater training for the wider police force as to how cybercrime works would make many computer users more comfortable in reporting cybercrime to their local police.”


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