Justin Bieber Blooper Leaves US News Anchors Red-Faced (VIDEO)

WATCH: Could This Justin Bieber Blooper Be The Most Embarrassing Two Minutes Of TV In 2012?

Coming from Britain, you probably haven't watched WSAW-TV recently. But just so you know, it's a news channel in Wausau, Wisconsin, USA, and recently is commited a Justin Bieber-based news blooper.

Stalling for time and squirming like goons, the two TV journos discuss the recent birthday celebrations of Canadian miniature popster Justin Bieber, commenting on a birthday present he received: a brand new hummer.

Explaining it would ruin it, but let it be said, from there on in, everything melts into a massive pile of awkward, giggles start erupting and essentially they give up being professional on any level.

It's terrible, it's unbelievable, it's real, genuine, watched-by-the-public American TV. Ah, US local news, you're so good to us with the funnies...

RETRACTION: We previously misidentified the news anchors here in this video. John DesRivieres was not involved with the story at all, and we'd like to apologise for the error.


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