University Quidditch Match Shows Rising Popularity Of Hogwarts Sport

UK's First Quidditch Match Shows Muggles Mean Business

Keele students hogged the limelight as they flew to victory over Leicester University in what some have dubbed Britain's first official Quidditch match.

The match, held over the weekend, saw the Leicester Lovegoods take on Avada Keeledavra. The game, which was played at Keele University, required two teams of seven to put "quaffles" into hoops, while avoiding the dreaded dodgeball - known as a "bludger".

The elusive snitch, meanwhile, was represented by a player belonging to neither team dressed head toe in yellow with a tennis ball tied to their waist.

Captain Jack Hill of the Leicester Lovegoods team insisted his side "dominated the pitch play", although they lost 2-1 in the dramatic duel.

"We saw two outright wins from three matches based on hoops but unfortunately Keele had a very strong seeker and took the snitch in two of the games, resulting in a draw.

"The day, despite our loss, was fantastic and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. We're all aching, but still heading out to train today ready for the Leicester v Keele rematch in a few weeks time (yet to be organised).

"I was very impressed with our players, who have only been training for four weeks intensively, and can't wait to see how we develop in the future!"

All pictures by Tom Craven.


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