'Bitches In Bookshops' Takes Jay-Z's 'N****s In Paris' And Makes It All Kinds Of Literary (VIDEO)

WATCH: 'Bitches In Bookshops' Is The Ultimate Literary Jay-Z Pastiche

What would you do, if you had a day off tomorrow? Paint your house perhaps, or walk the dog? Maybe you'd just chill out and watch a lot of movies. These girls? They make pastiches of Jay-Z tracks with a literary twist. As you do.

So a tip of the beret to La Shea Delaney and Annabelle Quezada for creating this spectacularly geeky video that's bound to make English graduates sigh with longing.

Taking Jay-Z's N****s In Paris and changing the lyrics to suit their own book-loving devices, it should also make fans of Mr. Z's Kanye West collaboration album, Watch The Throne, either squeal with glee or scratch their heads. Either/or, really.

Just to give the pastiche some context for everyone who hasn't heard the original tune already, here it is.

And just because it's also been in the news lately, here's Katy Perry doing a pretty rubbish job at covering it on Radio 1's Live Lounge. Be warned: it's really not that good.


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