86-Year-Old German Gymnast Johanna Quaas Dominates The Floor At Cottbus 2012 (VIDEO)

WATCH: 86-Year-Old German Gymnast Wows The Crowds

On the same day we discover that there's a 22-month-old toddler out there that can climb to the top of a homemade bouldering wall, comes this extraordinary footage of a 86-year-old gymnast pulling off moves we dare not even dream of at the pre-Olympics German gymnastics event, Cottbus 2012.

Just look at her, bouncing and flipping and putting us all to shame. At least it's just floor work, eh? It's not like she's brilliant at bars too, now is it...? Oh, wait. She is.

Today is not a day to be young and unfit. Quick, call the nearest gym to book in some personal trainer sessions! Then, of course, you can ignore his/her phone calls until you have to change your mobile number. You know, the usual.


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