The Gymnastic Granny And More: This Week's Top 10 Viral Videos

WATCH: The Gymnastic Granny And More: This Week's Top 10 Viral Videos

By the time we're 86, the chances of us backflipping are about as high as they are right now: zero. As for German supergran Johanna Quaas, well, she loves a bit of a backflip - especially in front of a crowd of fans.

Truly, she's an inspiration to us all, which is why she's the lead video in our weekly viral video 'best of' we've got for you below. Also, look forward to your regular weekly dose of animal funnies, silly covers of Bomfunk MC's Freestyler and drunk men singing Queen.

OK, we've never had any other Freestyler covers or drunk men singing Queen before, but still - they're ace.

Anyway, what are you waiting for? Get clicking immediately! Go go go!


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