Best Draw Something Pictures Of The Week

Best Draw Something Pictures Of The Week

On a plane, on the loo, on the tube, in a meeting, at work and in queues. These are just some of the places that Draw Something addicts have been Drawing Something this week.

Here are this week's top pictures from the social drawing app. Would you have guessed most of these?

A magnificent Batman cannot be mistaken, nor can Kanye West, despite wearing some old specs he's not donned for a few years now.

As any Draw Something fan knows, it's important to consider who you're drawing for when executing your latest Draw Something challenge. So a polarised version of The Beatles is artfully executed in posterised style, but a union jack is added in case the subtlety of McCartney's gaping maw is missed.

Coach, most often considered to be an elaborate horse-drawn cart, is drawn for a fashion-loving friend as a handbag by the label Coach.

Are you addicted yet? Send in your best Draw Something images and we'll feature you here next week.

Check out the top Draw Something pictures of the week in the slideshow below. Would you have guessed most of them?


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