Giant Baby Weighing 5.5kg Born In China (VIDEO)

What A Whopper: 5.5 Kilo Baby Born In China

A baby weighing 12 pounds (5.5 kilo) has been born in China, shocking both parents and midwives. The baby, which weighs about the same as large Christmas Turkey or a small TV had to have new clothes bought for it as the baby clothes her parents had prepared were far too small.

Weighing about double the amount of an average baby, the mother claims she ate a lot of eggs and fresh fruit during the pregancy, which she thinks could have contributed to his size.

Both mother and baby are doing well. A number of much larger babies than normal have hit the headlines of late. In January an American woman gave birth to a boy weighing 13 pounds and 13 ounces – without the aid of surgery.

Chun Chun set the record for the heaviest baby ever born in China in February weighing in at an incredible 15.5 pound in the city of Xinxiang in China's Henan Province.

However the largest baby ever born, was a massive 22 pound baby born to an Italian woman in 1955. Ouch!


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