The Story Of 'The Man Who Quit Money' To Live In A Cave (VIDEO)

WATCH: Meet 'The Man Who Quit Money' To Live In A Cave

In 2000, Daniel Suelo took his life savings - $30 - and left it all in a phonebooth. From there on out, he has lived his life without any use of money.

Asking for food from friends, dumpster diving and foraging have sustained him thus far, spending his days in the Utah wilderness, moving from cave to cave and living off the land.

Shocked by the financial crisis of 2008, writer and one-time friend of Suelo, Mark Sundeen, decided to get back in touch with him to find out how he'd managed it - and the result is his book, The Man Who Quit Money, and these mini-documentaries that show a little bit more of Suelo's extraordinary life.

Take a look at his latest video above, and here below, take a look at some more extraordinary things in our extraordinary things picture gallery.


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