Boris Johnson Enjoys 12-Point Lead Over Ken Livingstone

Johnson Surges Ahead With 12-Point Lead Over Livingstone

Boris Johnson is cruising to victory in the London mayoral election, according to a poll published on Tuesday.

A survey carried out by Populus for The Times shows Johnson is leading his Labour rival Ken Livingstone by 12 points.

According to the poll, Johnson is set to secure 46% of the vote on Thursday compared to 34% for Livingstone in the first round of voting.

After the other candidates are eliminated Johnson would then get 56% of the vote compared to just 44% for Livingstone.

The survey also placed Green Jenny Jones in third place on 6% of the vote, ahead of the Lib Dem's Brian Paddick in joint fourth place with independent candidate Siobhan Benita on 5%.

The margin of victory is the largest given to Johnson at any point during the election campaign.

A YouGov survey for the Evening Standard yesterday gave Johnson a four-point lead of 52%-48%, after second preferences were taken into account.


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