London 2012: 20 Out Of 300 G4S Staff Turn Up For Box Hill Olympic Circuit

Where's The Other 280? Just 20 G4S Staff Arrive For Box Hill Olympic Circuit

Only 20 out of 300 G4S staff members have turned up for the Box Hill circuit in Surrey, as the farce over London 2012 Olympic security continues.

Part of the Olympic road race circuit, the absent 280 personnel at Box Hill means that police presence must be drafted in again at the embattled security firm's expense.

There also remain concerns about the level of training that staff have received.

This is yet another humiliating incident in the omnishambles of G4S's handling of the Games security following its failure to employ enough people despite previous assurances. Around 3,500 soldiers and police from forces around the country are being drafted in to make up the severe shortfall.

And the latest disaster comes just hours before G4S boss, Nick Buckles, is due to appear before the Home Affairs Select Committee to explain the company's catastrophic arrangements.


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