Counter-Olympics Protest: Hundreds March Through Tower Hamlets Demonstrating Against 'Corporate Games'

Hundreds March Against 'Corporate Olympics'

Hundreds of people have marched through Tower Hamlets in a demonstration protesting against the "corporate Olympic games"

As Team GB competed in the first sporting events, up to 500 people were estimated to have marched through East London.

Demonstrators were not critical of the Olympics themselves, but of the way they felt the games had been hijacked by big business. Some protesters were also angry over the missiles being put on London buildings, calling it "Orwellian security apparatus."

Protesters were angry over the way corporations appeared to have hijacked the sporting event

The event was captioned "No Limos, No Logos, No Launchers" in a pithy nod to what demonstrators were protesting against.

It was was organised by the counter-olympics network, which includes groups like Occupy London. Julian Cheyne of the Counter-Olympic Network told NBC news:

“A significant number of people in this country, about 20 percent, according to a poll, are not happy with the Olympics because of the involvement of large corporations about which are significant concerns.

"We are representing their views and making sure that opinion is expressed."

It was a peaceful protest: demonstrators arriving at Wennington Green

Despite the number of protesters, the march was peaceful, and "passed without incident" according to the Met Police. This was in marked contrast to a cycling event organised by Critical mass on Friday evening, which ended in more than 100 arrests.

Locog told the BBC that any big event attracted protest but asked protesters to think about the effect they were having on athletes competing in the Games.

"We implore any protesters to consider the impact of any action on the athletes, most of whom have spent half their lives preparing for London 2012.

"We are a sport-loving nation, and ruining sporting events is not the way anyone wants London 2012 to be remembered."

Some protesters made satirical comment against the companies sponsoring the Olympics

However Locog were forced to investigate why so many seats were left unfilled at the Phelps v Lochte swimming heats earlier on Saturday. Volleyball and Gymnastics were also reported to have stadiums full of empty seats.

The Games Organisers said the tickets had been allocated to members of the 'Olympic Family' which includes governing bodies, athletes, International Olympic Committee officials and non-tabled media positions.

Many were left annoyed that they had been left without tickets, while Olympic officials and sponsors had not taken up their opportunity.

"I think it's terrible, especially when so many people want a ticket. There should be less seats for officials," Sharon Beers from Portsmouth told the Guardian.

Locog chairman Seb Coe has previously said he will "name and shame" sponsors which do not use their tickets.


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