'18 Again', Vaginal Rejuvenation And Tightening Gel Launched By Indian Pharmaceutical Company (VIDEO)

'Oooh I Feel Like A Virgin': After Vagina Brightener, Here's The Tightener (VIDEO)

Advertising feminine hygiene products can be a tricky business. Do you go with a stern medical approach, or take a "girls in the locker room" tactic?

Or perhaps you turn it into a musical, as this advertising firm did.

In order to promote a cream claimed to "tighten and rejuvenate" the vagina, Ultratech India turned to the mediums of song and dance.

'Oooh I feel like a virgin': A sari-clad Indian woman extolls the benefits of '18 Again'

Featuring an attractive woman in a pink sari, the message sees her crooning "oooh I feel like a virgin" as she dances through a courtyard, outraging her elders as she sings of her newly acquired "tightness".

Our heroine meets with her sweetheart, squealing "oooh yes it's true!", to which he replies "oooh yes you do!"

She then appears to borrow a line from Madonna as she trills, presumably in reference to their love-making, "feels like the very first time".

The exuberant jig continues as a voiceover announces the product.

Salsa dancing with delight at the condition of one's vagina may raise eyebrows among some, but Rishi Bhatia, chairman and managing director of Ultratech India, insists the message is an empowering one.

'Feels like the very first time': The couple dance in apparent ecstasy

"18 Again has the power and the potential to break the shackles and redefine the meaning of women empowerment altogether."

The advert was received as an uncomfortable nod to the hierarchy of skin tone in India’s social caste system.

Dalits, formerly known as the Untouchables, are said to be the bottom of the social hierarchy and are often ostracised and forced into menial jobs.

Brahmins are generally considered to be the highest caste group, although laws banning discrimination on these terms have failed to make much difference.

100 Controversial Adverts


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