Rick Santorum: 'We'll Never Have Smart People On Our Side' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Rick Santorum Says 'Smart People' Will Never Be On His Side

Aha! We think we may have found further undeniable evidence that former US Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is, in fact, the world's biggest berk.

Speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Saturday, the Republican bigwig told the assembled throng (many of whom were presumably under the impression they were actually quite bright): "We will never have the media on our side, even in this country. We will never have the elite, smart people on our side - because they believe they should have the power to tell you what to do."

Yes, damn those smart people and their pesky informed opinions. If only everyone in America was a fully paid-up dimwit, Rick would be in the White House by now...

And if you're in the mood for more messages from the bizarre world of US politics, we have just the thing right here...


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