How To Carve A Halloween Pumpkin With A Gun (VIDEO)

WATCH: How To Carve A Pumpkin With A Gun

Gather round, everyone. This nice man from America - YouTuber Hickok45 - would like to show us all how to carve a traditional Halloween pumpkin using, what he calls, "a common household tool".

Well, you wouldn't want to try that using a sharp knife, would you? You could have someone's eye out. It's clearly much safer to use a handgun.*

But if you don't fancy trying this, you could always turn your pumpkin into a beer keg instead.

*Obviously, it isn't really safer to use a handgun. It's downright dangerous, irresponsible and, above all, illegal. This is Great Britain, after all.

Anyway, let's continue on our current pumpkin kick with this really rather cute slideshow...


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