Leveson Inquiry By Numbers

What Did Murdoch Say 17 Times At Leveson?

For your average punter, the Leveson Inquiry seems have gone on and on and on and...

Well, the hacks at Press Association have clearly had some time on their hands while sitting through endless hours of evidence and have come up with this: Leveson in numbers

97 - days the inquiry sat for over eight months.

168 - News of the World's age in years when it shut down.

1% - of the population who could afford to sue for libel according to former Formula 1 boss Max Mosley who successfully sued the News of the World after it claimed he took part in a "sick Nazi orgy".

1,404 - meetings David Cameron had with the media during four years and five months as Opposition leader.

163 - pages of emails between Adam Smith, special adviser to then Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt and Fred Michel, News Corp lobbyist, over News Corp's bid for the remaining shares of satellite broadcaster BSkyB.

542 - the number of text messages Mr Michel sent Mr Smith, which Mr Hunt said worked out at about five a day.

48 - per cent of the public wanting much stricter media regulation but who do not expect the Leveson Inquiry to address all their concerns, according to a YouGov poll.

17 - times Rupert Murdoch said "sorry" during the last three hours of his inquiry evidence.

300,000,000 - the number of emails New Corps investigators ploughed through in their own investigation into phone hacking, according to Rupert Murdoch

11,000 - the number of pages of names and telephone numbers detectives seized from private investigator Glenn Mulcaire when he was arrested.

54 - the number of names of current and former MPs and peers found among the Mulcaire documents.

150 - Metropolitan Police officers working on phone hacking.

27 - Met police officers tracking down paedophiles in the capital.

£40m - the forecasted Met Police spend on Operation Weeting, the inquiry into phone hacking at the News of the World.

64 - groups representing more than a million young people submitting recommendations to the inquiry calling for reforms to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) and the Editors Code.

474 - people from whom the inquiry heard evidence.

6,349 - potential victims of phone hacking identified as at February this year.

£310,000 - the amount of money the corporation spent on private investigators during a six-year period.

10 - the number of days a Daily Telegraph team of reporters had to wade through four years' worth of details about the parliamentary expenses scandal.

260 - the minimum number of successful prosecutions achieved because of investigations by Mazher Mahmood, the News of the World's fake sheikh.

29 November - the first part of the report is published.


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