Baby Injured After His Pram Falls Down Lift Shaft

Baby Injured After His Pram Falls Down Lift Shaft


A baby boy fell down a lift shaft in his pram at a toy shop in Manchester.

The three-month-old little boy escaped with minor injuries after the terrifying incident at Smyths Toy Store on Middlebrook Retail Park in Horwich.

The baby was in a car seat in his travel system when it fell into the shaft on Wednesday.

He suffered cuts to his face and was treated in hospital.

A spokesman from the shop told the BBC that the baby's mum had pushed the pram through the doors of the lift on the first floor unaware that the lift itself had not arrived. He added that the store 'deeply regret this incident, are very concerned and have conveyed our best wishes to the family'.

"The lifts in all our stores are covered by a maintenance agreement and are regularly inspected by a reputable lift company," he said, "We are now working with the lift company and the public authorities to determine the cause of this accident."

A spokeswoman for Bolton Council said a 'full investigation' had been launched into the accident, and that the lift had now been cordoned off.
