Total Film Names Its Top 50 Male, Female Sexiest Stars - Who's Knocked Robert Pattinson From His Perch?

Total Film Poll Sees Tom Hiddleston Topple R-Patz From His 'Sexiest Star' Perch

25, 000 readers of Total Film can't be wrong, and yet...

The esteemed film magazine has asked its online readers to vote in its poll to find the 50 sexiest stars in movies right now and, to the delight of this patriotic crowd, it appears cinema-goers can't get enough of a British bloke.

No fewer than six of the top ten places in the men's list have gone to homegrown hunks (and yes, we're borrowing one from his German/Irish parentage for these purposes), a far greater proportion than in the women's list, which only has one British name.

But, fear not, ladies, Ryan Gosling still makes an appearance and, better still, there is a surprise at the top - with someone a bit unlikely toppling R-Patz from his perch as the established favourite.

The winner was as befuddled as everyone else by this result, apparently asking Total Film: "Are you sure? . . . My god, you know how to make a man feel good! . . . My sister used to say I had hair like a broom. She was probably right.

"One of the great flaws we all share is that we think everyone else is cool, everyone else is sexier, everyone else has all the answers. [growing up] that was me too."

So there you go... humble too. Oh, and there's a delightful addition in the men's category at Number 7, proving that age may not wither where there is real elegance. Shame the women's list is perhaps a bit more predictable. See what you think below... the complete list is published in Total Film tomorrow 18 January.


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