6 Easy New Skills To Learn Now - Get Inspired (PICTURES)

Fuss-Free Ways To Learn A New Skill

As time passes and age takes hold, it’s easy to assume the best route is to keep doing what you’re doing, rather than tackle new challenges. If you’re a child, a teen or in your early 20s, it’s easy to dream about new ambitions: play the guitar, learn to speak Japanese, do a flip off your skateboard. But what if you’re older? It can feel like you’ve missed the boat, especially when you’ve got a family to support and a job to hold down.

But the fact is, learning a new skill is an excellent way to keep mentally alert. According to the Alzheimer's Association, "mentally stimulating activities strengthen brain cells and the connections between them, and may even create new nerve cells." It’s not just about becoming brilliant at something; learning a new skill will make you more fulfilled and make you more mentally - and even physically - active . Convinced? Here are six ideas to get you started... and all will give you a brand spanking new set of skills in the space of a weekend.
