The Harlem Shake: Which University Students Did It Best? (VIDEO)

Universities Do The Harlem Shake

Following in Gangnam Style footsteps, Harlem Shake fever is rapidly spreading across the globe, and now even universities are joining in.

Northumbria was quick to publicise their students' attempt at the shake, advertising the video on the university website.

More than 200 Northumbria students gathered to take part in a Harlem Shake, and their video has already received over 80,000 views.

The event was the brainchild of student reps Steven Mullaghan and Mussie Ali.

Steven explained: “We wanted to do this for the fun of it. At the same time, it also raises awareness of Northumbria’s brand and shows what an innovative and creative university we are and hopefully prospective students will see it and realise what a dynamic place this is.”

So which students shaked the best?

Tweet @HPUKStudents with the hashtag #Studentshake to let us know or to submit your own Harlem Shake video.


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