Ken Clarke Explains David Cameron's Bilderberg Visit After Question From Michael Meacher

'Total Utter Nonsense'

In scenes of anticipation unmatched in the Commons since the Iraq War vote, ministers have been forced to explain their attendance to the the sinisterly secretive Bilderberg meeting last weekend after an MP was granted permission to ask an 'urgent question'.

To make things even more exciting Ken Clarke would be answering on their behalf.

Tellingly, asking the question would be MP Michael Meacher, the very same Michael Meacher who wrote the foreword for 9/11 government cover-up book, 'The New Pearl Harbour'.

Clearly the entire Commons, not to mention the fevered journalists watching events unfold, were expecting a conspiracy of the highest degree (magnitude David Icke or above).

Would the entire British government be exposed as one copulating reptilian mass controlling us all through tainted milk supplies?

Would Ken Clarke turn up without his human skin exposing his true rough scaly, and (possibly) flakey lizard form?

Was John Bercow's decision to allow the question all part of a ruse to deflect attention form the Speaker's true role of 'New World Order Puppeteer'?

Is the whole thing a carefully constructed ploy to keep Alex Jones' attention away from the real global conspiracy of why Theresa May appears to be developing terrifying and deadly psychic powers?

After getting the rather tedious business of immigration and policing out of the way, the question came. Urgently.

"I rise to ask the chancellor of the exchequer to now to make a statement on the Bilderberg conference which he attended."

The chancellor rose looking relaxed and licking his lips with his (possibly) forked tongue.

"Mr Speaker this is a first time for me as I have never previously been asked a question in the House of Commons on behalf of a private organisation for which the government has no responsibility."

Clarke outlined his role as part of the steering committee and then set out in exasperated tones the terrible dullness of the reality of Bilderberg.

It is "for no other purpose than to hold meetings", invites a wide-range of people but "takes no decisions".

Even Ed Balls was there, he added.

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Clearly struggling to make a meeting of some of the top business and political minds in the world the slightest bit conspiratorial, Clarke exclaimed: "I'm trying to guess at what on Earth people are asking a parliamentary question about for!

"If the honourable member for Oldham finds something deeply disturbing in all this then I would only advise he finds different people to exchange tweets with!

"Perhaps the House will be allowed to return to something of real public interest."

This was still not enough Meacher. He demanded transparency. Then he got confused about what the word "conspiracy" meant.

"Of course it's not a conspiracy!

"But at the same time we've got 130 of the world's top decision makers don't travel thousands of miles simply for a cosy chat!"

Which is it to be, Mr Meacher? To conspiracy or not to conspiracy?

Somewhere, not too far away, Alex Jones got even angrier.


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