Topman's National Kissing Day T-Shirt Offends On So Many Levels (PICTURES, POLL)

What Does Topman's Offensive T-Shirt Have To Do With Kissing? (POLL)

Is it us or does it feel like a giant seagull is crapping on all of womankind from a very big height this week?

First there was Vice magazine's female author suicide shoot, then there was designer Johnny Farah's woman-being-strangled-by-a-belt invitation and now we have a high street brand selling t-shirts with these images for lots and lots of men to wear.

The t-shirts are made by New Love Club whose motto reads: New Love Club is a bold image based brand for a youth culture. What a brilliant message to be sending young men.

Writer @peachesandscream said: "Wearing this t-shirt on your back is a sure fire way to guarantee you'll never see any of your clothing on a girl's bedroom floor. She looks like she's in some sort of Hipster hostage situation. Not cool."

Topman tweeted the following message from its Twitter account:

While the message is very light-hearted, we don't feel the image is. The manner in which the model is holding the placard is reminiscent of prisoners of war being filmed while in captivity. This is further compounded by the hand covering her eyes, which completely robs her of any form of communication. Furthermore, she is dressed in the barest of garments. The t-shirts have created quite the storm on Twitter. Here are some of the responses:

This is not the first time Topman have got in trouble for the questionable messages on t-shirts. In 2011, they were forced to pull t-shirts that read: Nice New Girlfriend. What Breed Is She?

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