Google 'Calico' Company Wants To Cure Ageing And Save All Our Lives

Google Wants To Make You Live Forever

Say what you will about Google - you can't deny their ambition.

Chief executive, Larry Page, has announced the company are setting up a new company whose intention is to basically make you live forever.

Calico will look focus on the "challenge of ageing" and attempt to cure illnesses associated with it.

Can Google really tackle ageing?

Page said in a blog post: "Illness and ageing affect all our families. With some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology, I believe we can improve millions of lives."

Arthur D. Levinson, Chairman and former CEO of Genentech and chairman of Apple will head the project.

He said: "I’ve devoted much of my life to science and technology, with the goal of improving human health. Larry’s focus on outsized improvements has inspired me, and I’m tremendously excited about what’s next."

Google already have a reputation for outlandish ideas.

Their secretive Google X lab apparently encourages the most insane ideas its workers can think of which they then try to solve.

It so far is developing a balloon-based wi-fi system, a self-driving car and an artificial brain.

Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple, said: “For too many of our friends and family, life has been cut short or the quality of their life is too often lacking. Art is one of the crazy ones who thinks it doesn’t have to be this way. There is no one better suited to lead this mission and I am excited to see the results.”


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