Woman Scorned 'Timeshia Brown' Takes Out Vengeful Classified Ad Against Husband & His Pregnant Lover

PICTURE: If This Classified Ad Is Real, This Man Is In A Whole World Of Trouble

If you’re a woman scorned, there are things you can do.

You can cut holes in all of his clothes or throw all his belongings out into the front yard.

You can take the moral high ground and stride off with your nose in the air, or you could take out a newspaper ad like this passive-aggressive-something-terrible-is-about-to-happen example.

It reads: “I would like to say congratulations to Shara Cormier and Patrick Brown… They are expecting a baby. Hope you both are really in love and I hope it works out.

“Always, Patrick’s wife, Timeshia Brown.”

According to other information visible on the page, it looks as if the parties involved could be from an area in Sabine County, Texas, though there is no further proof as to whether the ad is real.

It first saw light on Reddit after being posted by user kavien, who says the image was being shared on Facebook.

Be afraid, Patrick.


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