Popular UK Vacancies: 6 Over-Applied For Positions That Show The Real Jobs Crisis

Jobs Crisis Over? Here Are 6 Posts That Attracted An Insane Number Of Applicants
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George Osborne and his fellow ministers have seized on every improvement in the employment figures as proof that the coalition's "long-term economic plan" is working.

David Cameron tweeted in response to a fall in the number of people out of work by 125,000 to 2.34 million: "It's good to see another fall in unemployment. Our #LongTermEconomicPlan means more people with the security of a wage & a chance in life."

However, the experience for job hunters on the ground is still incredibly tough as four people are fighting for every job vacancy.

Here are just six astonishingly popular vacancies that shows the jobs crisis is far from over.

1,700 people apply for just 8 jobs at Costa

Insanely popular job vacancies


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