Man Celebrates Son's Birth By Whizzing His Wife's Placenta Into A Smoothie (And A Taco)

This Guy Ate His Wife's Placenta As A Snack

The idea of flash-frying a placenta as taco-filler may put you off breakfast, lunch and dinner until 2016 but a recent experiment by a new father reveals a glimpse at placentophagy - eating the placenta to ingest its nutrients.

In fact, says Nick Baines who turned his wife's placenta into a smoothie (gag) and a taco (double gag), there is a whole movement out there of people chowing down on the things and a recipe book that shows you how to transform it into a lasagne or a kebab.

The smoothie, he says writing for The Guardian, was no great shakes. "Up front was the distinct flavour of banana, superseded by a metallic, bloody backnote. It had a mineral earthiness to it and tasted exactly like the delivery room had smelled."

But the taco was a different story. "The meat was rich, with a beef-like quality. It was tender, kind of like roast brisket and not dissimilar to Texas BBQ."

There is the unsubstantiated claim eating the placenta wards off postnatal depression, but rather than cooking up a storm, most people simply eat them in pill form.

Although eating it is still taboo, the defense for placentophagy from some is that animals in the wild eat their own placentas, ergo it is perfectly natural. On the other hand, animals don't have access to Sainsbury's.
