International No Diet Day: Celebrate In Style With These Glorious Splurge Foods

Celebrate International No Diet Day These Glorious Splurge Foods

Forget the alkaline, Mediterranean, Cambridge and 5:2 diet because it's time to celebrate International No Diet Day.

*Does victory dance.*

An annual celebration of body acceptance, International No Diet Day (INDD) reminds us all to give ourselves a break.

Founded by Mary Evans Young, the director of the British group "Diet Breakers" in 1992, INDD aims not only to raise awareness of the potential dangers of extreme dieting, but to highlight the fact that healthy bodies come in different shapes and sizes.

Here at HuffPost UK Lifestyle we're already tired of people obsessing over getting a "bikini body" and it's only May! So we welcome any opportunity to embrace the foods we love while feeling confident in our own skin.

To celebrate, we asked our readers to share their favourite splurge foods. From classic cheese on toast to chocolate brownies, their suggestions had us licking our lips and day-dreaming of mealtimes.

International No Diet Day - The Food To Eat Chosen By You

What is your favourite treat food? Let us know in the comments below.
