Disposable Coffee Machine: 'Grower's Cup' System Is Neat, And Cheap

This Is The World's First Disposable Coffee Machine

"Our coffee bag is to coffee what the wine bottle is to wine."

Quite a bold claim from the makers of the world's first disposable coffee machine, the Grower's Cup system.

Described as a hybrid between a filter coffee brewer and a French Press, it works by simply pouring hot water into the bag offering a pretty neat solution for drinking coffee while in the great outdoors.

Ground beans are held in a special filter through which the water pours.

Once the bottom of the bag is filled, water is held over the beans. The longer you leave it, the stronger the coffee.

Danish designer Ulrik Rasmussen, who came up with the system said: "It all started one morning when I went to make myself a cup of coffee and realised I had run out of filters for my machine

"As I slammed the kitchen draw shut I noticed some tea bags and I started thinking about why there wasn’t a similar product for coffee

"I cut up a few tea bags and put coffee grounds inside them and found there was some potential for a similar product so I started doing research into it."

Bags come in five different types of bean - Bolivian, Nicaraguan, Honduran, Guatemalan and Ethiopian.

Each bag makes two cups of coffee when using 300ml of water.


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