Hipster Men With Beards Shaped Like Animals, Have You Ever Seen Anything So Damn Trendy?

Men With Beards Shaped Like Animals, Have You Ever Seen Anything So Hipster?

We love beards as much as the next woman - actually, perhaps slightly more than her - so imagine our delight when we stumbled across pictures of bearded men with facial hair shaped like animals.

Yes, there was hysteria.


The photos are part of New Zealand shaver brand Schick's #FreeYourSkin campaign, which encourages men to hack away at their excessive facial hair.

According to them, hipster beards have gotten out of control and many men's facial hair has now "gone feral". Of course, being a shaver brand, they would say that and we can't say we agree.

But while we approach any campaign that asks men to cut back their beards with caution, we have to admit the pictures are cute.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
