The 6 Things In Your Household That Are Riddled With Germs

You Will Never Look At Your Toothbrush In The Same Way Again

Warning: you can't un-learn this.

Your toothbrush, which has been sitting in its pot all innocent-like, not offending anyone, may have more in common with your bog brush than you think. According to this video of germ-laden things in our household, when you flush your toilet, the water spray is airborne long enough to settle on the bristle of your toothbrush.

Gagging? That's not all.

While we already knew our keyboards and mobile phones were faecal hotspots, your reusable grocery bags may be a breeding ground for E.coli which isn't to be underestimated.

If you don't end up attacking your possessions with a bottle of Dettol, you're a braver person than us.
