Bullying Teacher Struck Off

Bullying Teacher Struck Off
Angry big mouth man teacher, salesman, student or businessman shouting on blackboard background
Angry big mouth man teacher, salesman, student or businessman shouting on blackboard background

A bullying teacher who labelled an overweight pupil 'JCB' and others 'ugly' and 'big ears' has been banned from the classroom for three years.

A professional conduct panel heard that Paul Green, 39, admitted forcing the children to carry out humiliating acts as punishment. As well as calling the pupils abusive names, he frequently used the 'F-word' in class and dismissed some pupils as 'pathetic' and 'bone idle'.

He warned one pupil he would send him to the deputy head 'with a rounder's bat up his a***', while he told another pupil that his classmate was 'a lying tart'.

Once or twice a week, the teacher would throw items across the class at St Thomas More Catholic College in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, the hearing was told.

On one occasion he hurled the class register. Mr Green also put a picture of rock star Tina Turner on a white board in the classroom and compared her hair and features to a black girl in the class. The girl later complained that she had been 'embarrassed and humiliated'.

Staff in the school's PE department made numerous complaints against him for lifting pupils above his head or putting pupils into headlocks. As a result, he had received warnings about his behaviour, the panel was told.

Mr Green also used 'inappropriate sanctions' against pupils. This included making one pupil carry out press-ups in front of his friends and forcing pupils to wait outside his class – even if it was raining.

One pupil who failed to wear his blazer on entering the room had the jacket confiscated for a week. The teacher also confiscated mobile phones from a number of pupils.

He humiliated one pupil by urging him to kiss another pupil in front of classmates, the panel was told.

The teacher was finally suspended in November 2011 because of an incident involving 'inappropriate' language and behaviour after working at the school for seven years. He resigned from his post in early 2012.

Mr Green admitted all the allegations, except a claim that he had been racially offensive in his use of the Tina Turner picture, and this was accepted by the hearing.

Professor Janet Draper, who chaired the panel run by the National College for Teaching & Leadership, said Mr Green's bullying behaviour had continued over a number of years – despite him receiving a number of warnings.

However, she said he should have the chance to return to teaching in three years' time.

She said: "His behaviour may have been exacerbated by poor health and other personal problems.

"If this is the case, it is right he should have the opportunity to demonstrate that he has overcome them.

"The head teacher in his evidence made clear that some aspects of Mr Green's teaching practice were satisfactory or even good."
