How Much Do Our Children Know About Nature? One In 20 Kids Think Chocolate Bars Grow In The Ground

How Much Do Our Children Know About Nature? One In 20 Kids Think Chocolate Bars Grow In The Ground
Getty Images/Brand X

A little quiz for your kids: Where does chocolate come from? Where do potatoes grow? What would you use a spade for?

If they answered with a shrug of the shoulders and a mumbled 'Dunno', then – sadly – they are not alone.

According to a new survey, one in 20 kids under the age of 10 believe chocolate bars grow in the ground; one in three don't know that potatoes grow in the ground; and one in four don't know what a spade is used for.

The survey also found that 27 per cent of children don't know what a trowel is for, and 20 per cent can't not identify a tulip.

And apparently we're not that much more clued up - in the same survey, 12 per cent of parents were unable to recognise a conker when shown a picture.

The survey of 2,000 parents and their children for home shopping channel QVC has revealed how little many of us know about the natural world.

Now QVC has launched a Watch Them Grow campaign encouraging us to spend time gardening with our kids.

Child psychologist Dr Pat Spungin said the research showed that both parents and kids would love to start gardening.

She said: "When a child plants something and it grows, it can be a really magical and emotional experience.

"Gardening is also an incredibly useful educational tool, teaching children the value of hard work, the pleasure of nurturing growing things and the companionship of gardening together.

"This research shows us almost a quarter of adults loved watching flowers and vegetables grow when they were children - yet they seem to forget what a great experience it can be as they get older.

"Children inhabit a fast-moving, screen-based world and the slow, natural outdoor joys of gardening are a good counter balance.

"Plus it's a great way to stimulate a child intellectually and teach where food comes from."
