Katherine Jenkins Will Be Singing Karaoke Down Her Local This Christmas

Katherine Jenkins Will Be Singing Karaoke Down Her Local This Christmas

We mere mortals aren't the only ones who head down their local over Christmas, or dabble in a little karaoke.

Katherine Jenkins does exactly the same, the only difference being she actually has the voice of an angel.

The 33 year-old songstress is set to spend Christmas at home in Wales with all the family and will be making for a bar in Neath. It's not all glitz and onstage glamour for this Welsh beauty. Her karaoke number? Delilah.

According to The Telegraph Jenkins said: "I get up on a table and sing it. It's so much fun and a really nice way to round off the year. I'm really looking forward to coming back for Christmas and my sister will also be home with her new husband."

The lady likes to let her hair down during the festive season - don't we all.


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