Made In Chelsea: The Spencer And Louise Story Continues

Made In Chelsea: The Spencer And Louise Story Continues

There's nothing quite like a Made in Chelsea dinner party. There was romance, life drawing and some brilliant headgear. But did Louise and Spencer really get it on AGAIN? Will Gore ponders

The current series of Made in Chelsea has become increasingly like a bad remake of Groundhog Day. If you can imagine that magnificent film about a day that repeats and repeats but with tedious love triangles replacing Bill Murray, then you're somewhere near to understanding the hellish nature of MiC.

Last night we were dished up The Spencer and Louise Story: Part 426, in which they went to Phoebe's dinner party and ended the night in bed with one another. Spencer showed he's an avid reader of tabloid kiss and tells by claiming on the evening in question he had been a "five-times a night" kind of guy, with one of these romantic moments allegedly taking place on Jamie's sofa.

When she heard Spencer had been making these bold claims, Louise angrily denied sleeping with him. All poor old Jamie could do was complain about the weird smell emanating from his cushions.

Aside from hearing the painful news his ex might have jumped into bed with Spenny again, Andy at least had a chance to get into the studio and help kick off his burgeoning music career.

Missing the point of being in a recording studio spectacularly, he earnestly mimed along to a song so bad it will probably get in the charts. The Singing Nostrils as a chart topper? You might scoff, but if an annoying TV character like Mr Blobby can go from the small screen to the Top 10 then surely there's nothing to stop our Andy.

Mr Blobby would actually have come in handy last night to provide a bit of light relief, because no one else was succeeding on the comedy front, despite some valiant efforts which included Phoebe wearing numerous hats (a backwards baseball cap, followed by a turban/spider brooch combo), Jamie and Proudlock pretending not to know the name of Sherlock Holmes's sidekick and Mark Francis taking a 19th century kimono to the launderette.

To be fair, these failed attempts at humour were comedy gold compared to the scene involving Francis Boulle in which he painted a picture of Rosie. In this series Francis's role has been to pop up now and again to do something wacky and "funny" (never have a pair of inverted commas been more needed).

This time around the supposed hilarity was to do with the fact Rosie was fully clothed, but he was painting his model in her birthday suit anyway. Rosie was more than a little perturbed, but Francis reassured her he'd seen her in a bikini and she has "a killer rear end". Cue unbridled laughter from absolutely nobody.

At one point Francis did get serious, quoting Picasso for no apparent reason. "Art is the lie that helps us realise the truth," he said. A wonderful bit of philosophising, sure, but I don't quite think it applies to Made in Chelsea. Perhaps a better Picasso quote to use would have been that one that goes, "Made in Chelsea is the rubbish that helps us realise absolutely nothing." Old Pablo knew what he was taking about, for sure.

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See all the latest from Made in Chelsea here, plus read Will's TV column The Idiot Box here.


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