The Meanest Blog Ever Or A Bit Of Fun? Website Showcases 'Crappy' Children's Art

The Meanest Blog Ever Or A Bit Of Fun? Website Showcases 'Crappy' Children's Art

Children's artwork adorns many a family home.

Pictures of mums and dads with massive heads and mad hair are on kitchen doors around the world.

But what if you just can't see the joy in those scribbles?

Well, you can submit them to quite possibly the Meanest Blog in the World for judgement, all thanks to Maddox - a New York Times bestselling author - who grades kids' art work. The 'worse' the better.

Maddox has come in for a quite a bit of criticism for his blog,, but he shows no signs of letting up, and has even published a book of the worse offenders.

Writing on his site, Maddox says: "I was standing around in a co-worker's cubicle at my old job one day, and noticed that she had poorly drawn pictures hanging in her cubicle. So I told her they sucked.

"She took offense and brought to my attention that it was drawn by her 4-year-old nephew. It changed nothing. In fact, it only strengthened my resolve to grade children's artwork, because I don't think kids should get a free pass for being kids.


Coddling children ruins them. Mozart wasn't coddled, and look at him: dead and famous. Most people will only ever accomplish being dead in life. Mozart accomplished two things.


Maddox uploads art submitted by readers and fans, so parents who submit content obviously see the tongue-in-cheek humour in his site. But what do you think?

Have a look at our round-up of art from the site below. Some of them are pretty amusing, or just downright weird.

But isn't that the fun of kids' art?

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