Why Eating Clay Is Good For You, By Hollywood Actress Shailene Woodley

Why Eating Clay Is Good For You, By Hollywood Actress Shailene Woodley

If you're all about the latest in food and beauty trends then listen up because American actress Shailene Woodley says we should all be eating clay. True story.

"Clay is great for you because your body doesn't absorb it, and it apparently provides a negative charge, so it bonds to negative isotopes," she said in an interview with Into The Gloss.

"It also helps clean heavy metals out of your body," says Shailene, who recommends using clay to flush out your system naturally.

As for any side effects? "When you first start eating clay, your bowel movements, pee, and even you, yourself, will smell like metal." Right.

After studying herbalism, Shailene saw an opportunity in making her own organic beauty products and has used natural, healing products as part of her daily regime ever since.

"Bentonite clay is good, but Mountain Rose Herbs has a great clay source," she revealed.

And if you're thinking of giving it a try? Clay toothpaste is one of the easiest ways to introduce it into your beauty routine.



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