Women Judge Other Women On How Their Makeup Is Applied

Women Judge Other Women On How Their Makeup Is Applied

Eight out of 10 women judge other women's looks more than men's, according to a new survey by Escentual.com. No surprise there, right?

The poll of over 1,000 women found 78 admitted they'd refuse to socialise with women who are poorly presented. Ouch!

But the buck doesn't stop there. Over half of those polled added they would view a woman with badly applied makeup as grubby and lacking in essential presentation skills. We guess that's the last time we risk the milk run with yesterday's slap smeared across our faces.

When quizzed about the most unforgivable makeup mishaps, participants cited heavily penciled eyebrows (sorry Cara Delevingne), foundation tidemarks, concealer on the lips, over-plucked eyebrows, spidery eyelashes and caked-on powder.

The moral of this story? We should probably stop being such mean girls.

NEED A MAKEUP REFRESH? Check out some of the prettiest eye palettes for this spring...


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