How The Breastfeeding Cafe Aims To Make Parenthood Less Scary For New Mums

Tea, Sympathy And Breastfeeding Advice Abound In This New Cafe
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The first few months of parenthood is firefighting between the arrival of a newborn, lack of sleep (oh, the lack of sleep!) and trying to cope with a feeding schedule. And that's not even before you factor in that your baby may not be feeding as well as you like, or the reality that you may not leave the house for days on end.

While parents can plug the gap by offering mums much-needed me-time and are a wealth of information, the last time your mum gave birth was - let's face it - a while ago.

So the idea of a 'breastfeeding cafe' is a much-needed option, where mums can ask experts for help in a non-clinical environment, pop in for tea and get reassurance around any concerns.

Launching in September by midwife and lactation consultant Anna Cannon and Emma Cannon, who owns the adjoining fertility rooms, they believe taking care of mothers is as important as looking after a baby.

With so many theories around breastfeeding, it can be immensely helpful to find out what is best for you and your baby. "No one tells you how time consuming it is in the early days and weeks and that it is normal," says Emma, talking to HuffPost UK Lifestyle.

"Of course breastfeeding is not right for everyone but the important thing is getting the correct advice at the right time which is rare. Women often fail because they are not being properly supported, but no one should be judged for doing what is right for her and her baby."

For those parents who have unwell or premature babies, they can provide specialised advice in a more comfy setting. As well as nutritional support, they also offer acupuncture and other remedies to restore a mother's energy.

Emma says: "I believe that if the mother is supported well in the first month following child birth then the bond between mother and child is strong and enduring. If not a woman's health can really suffer."

Emma Cannon

So why would you spend £175 for six-month membership?

Anna adds: "During the early days it can be overwhelming adjusting to motherhood and recovering from the birth. Sometimes the early challenges of breastfeeding and understanding your baby's feeding cues can be very confusing.

"We can advise on correct position and attachment, managing wind and colic, how to increase milk supply, feeding plans, prevention and treatment of sore nipples, mastitis or engorgement. We can also help with identification of tongue tie and referral for treatment and advice on conditions such as thrush if necessary."

Emma also believes that for how we choose to raise our kids has changed. We no longer move house specifically to live near our parents and for those of us in urban areas, our friends may not always be the best for medical and wellbeing advice.

"There is a need as so many women do not have the support that we once had with close family members on hand to cook a meal and offer help. We can't do that but we can at least listen and be there and tell her what a great job she is doing."

It also neatly plugs a gap that postnatal services just aren't quite providing. "Many services including breastfeeding support have been cut and overlooked. There is also lots of conflicting advice which causes problems like reduced milk supply, reliance on formula, etc," adds Anna.

For more information, visit the website.
