Jennifer Lopez's Mini-Me Daughter Dresses Up In Her Mum's Clothes

Jennifer Lopez's Mini-Me Daughter Dresses Up In Her Mum's Clothes

Jennifer Lopez's six-year-old daughter has already mastered the art of the selfie.

J-Lo drifted off while on a flight home from the Singapore Grand Prix on Tuesday (September 23) and Emme seized the opportunity to dress up in her mum's clothes.

Quickly donning J-Lo's coat and white sunglasses, Emme posed for a sneaky selfie, which Jennifer discovered when she woke up.

The amused mum-of-two posted the picture of her mini-me daughter on her Instagram page along with the caption: "Ok this happened while I was #minime #coconut #emmeandmax #LOVE.'

Earlier on the flight Jennifer, 45, had shared an image of herself wearing the same clothes, which shows just how much Emme takes after her mum.

Jennifer recently spoke to Elle magazine about how her daughter's resemblance to her goes beyond her appearance.

"Emme is my mirror," she said. "She is super-emotional, joyful, energetic, athletic, but then she has that very soft emotional core. When she gets hurt, it hurts really bad and I know that feeling because that is me."

She also spoke about being a single mother to her twins Emme and Max, who she had with her ex-husband Marc Anthony.

"It's not easy. I'm from a traditional background," she said. "It takes two people to make a kid for a reason. It's tough because I know they feel the void of that male presence.

"When Marc and I first broke up, I did think, 'I wish I could have held this together.' But when you realize it's not the right thing for anybody, you think, 'OK, well how do we make this work, how do we make this better, how do we make this great for the children anyway?'"

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