Naked Freerunner Does Parkour On London's Beautiful Buildings In Classy Photoshoot (Slightly NSFW)

Stunning Naked Parkour Pics Show Off London's Best Assets

These breath-taking photos show world champion freerunner Tim Shieff pushing the high octane urban sport to a whole new level. He and photographer friend Jason Paul took to the streets, roofs and tunnels of London to snap these spectacular shots of Shieff showing off his skills - completely naked.

The idea for the photoset, titled Man & Mortar, was conceived on a trip to the Greek island of Santorini, where the parkour pair realised something was missing from their usual photo shoots

Shieff and Paul decided to add to the adrenaline-fuelled sport by taking a series of incredible pictures, with Tim totally starkers.

Speaking to Wake Up London, he said: “We were in Greece on a free running trip and thought that it didn’t quite fit the surroundings, and it just came to us, why not do it naked?

“In London, we got some better photos than we did in the first shoot. The architecture just lent itself so well to what we were doing.”

“There was quite a lot of the time when we would do it on rooftops and we would look down and there would be hundreds of people walking underneath you around Bond Street and not one person would look up,” Shieff said.

“We managed to get away with it with not too much trouble and no one was offended.”

The parkour world champion adds that other freerunning photosets don't show off the human form, with the runners' baggy clothes often hiding the sheer athleticism of the sport. In this series, being in the buff allows him to highlight his sculpted body and the incredible commitment required to pull off the stunts.

Shieff adds: "In a non-sexual way, it really is quite artistic. We managed to hide everything in the photos and it came out quite classy in the end.”

The prints are available to buy on Beautiful Crime, with a percentage of proceeds going toJamie Oliver’s apprenticeship charity.

Shieff often appears on The Naked Chef's YouTube channel, and is an advocate of raw and vegan foods. He feels that the pictures promote body image confidence and therefore fit perfectly with the values and goals of the Fifteen charity.


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