#BlameTheMuslimGame Sticks One Up At the Bigots After Paris Shootings

#BlameTheMuslimGame Sticks One Up At the Bigots

It's a sadly predictable sequence - first deluded maniacs kill people in the name of their own perverted interpretation of Islam.

And then, within seconds of Wednesday's shooting tragedy in Paris, every paranoid and ill-informed person is tarring over a billion people with the same brush.

Like these people...

Thankfully most people are capable of of framing the truly tragic events in context.

If you're still stuck, here's a pie chart of sorts...

And here's an explainer to go with it...


Soon the hashtag #BlameTheMuslimGame was trending and Twitter reveled in mocking those only capable of a disturbing Machiavellian view of the world.

Here's a little reminder of how much you owe to Islam...

Competition was tough.

Some geo-politics...

Inevitably it all got a bit silly, but still in good faith...

And then this guy got it all totally wrong...

There's always one.

Some people were even worse. For a time #killallmuslims even trended.


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