Fashion Dads Of Instagram: Funny Photos Show Fathers Posing Like Fashionistas

Fashion Dads Of Instagram: Funny Photos Show Fathers Posing Like Fashionistas

Introducing the series on her blog, Ashley said: "There is nothing quite like dad fashion–Wranglers and New Balances, Crocs and socks, khakis and windbreakers, Canadian tuxedos, Hawaiian shirts (in the middle of winter)–there are no limits when it comes to their personal style and comfort.

"When I'm home from the holidays, I alway eagerly anticipate what kind of ensemble my dad is going to put together for his various, random retiree activities, and I'm rarely disappointed.

"This holiday season, I got to chatting about this father phenomenon with my partner in Instagram crime Travis (we started @BrosBeingBasic), and we decided to put our dads' fashion on display for all to enjoy. Thus, @FashionDads was born."
